Oscar Arroyo, currently a full-time college student, has struggled with Keratoconus and very blurry vision all of his life. After multiple failed attempts of using glasses or regular contact lenses, he worried that he might never see clearly. His optometrist Dr. Eugene Kim from 2020 Vision Associates of Optometry recommended the Visionary Optics Europa scleral lenses. Dr. Kim knew this completely customizable lens design would make it possible for him to have 20/20 vision again, and lead a more fulfilling life with optimal vision.
“The Europa lens gave me a new lease on life,” said Arroyo. “Prior to the Europa, I lost all hope of seeing clearly, but now, I can truly experience everything that life has to offer.”
Arroyo is currently in Italy as part of a three-month study abroad program.
“Having the Europa lens on this trip means I can put them in every day and experience firsthand the beauty of this country,” concludes Arroyo. “My quality of vision and life changed the day I put on my first pair of Europa lens, and for that I am forever grateful.”
Learn more about how the unique customization of the Europa Scleral Lens increases patient satisfaction.