The journey of fitting scleral lenses can be intricate, often necessitating multiple remakes to fine-tune the design for optimal vision and comfort. Each remake impacts efficiency, leading to increased shipping costs, extended chair time, and, most importantly, affects patient satisfaction.
This cycle of adjustments can leave many scleral lens practitioners feeling frustrated, grappling with a process that seems to stall and consumes valuable time without clear progress.
At Visionary Optics, we want to partner with you to optimize this process.
Drawing from over 20 years of experience, Dr. Greg DeNaeyer shares valuable insights in our latest guide, 7 Tips to Avoid Unnecessary Remakes, to help practitioners reduce remakes and decrease chair time. These tried-and-true methods not only enhance fitting efficiency but also boost patient satisfaction and practice revenue.
Download 7 Tips to Avoid Unnecessary Remakes & Office Visits and discover the expert tips and strategies that can help you achieve consistent success when fitting scleral lenses.