Matching the Correct Landing Zone to the Correct Scleral Shape
A 37 y/o female with a history of keratoconus was seen by Dr. Greg DeNaeyer. She had been wearing scleral lenses but required a refitting. Her scleral topography maps indicate an against-the-rule scleral toricity pattern that demonstrated a 250 micron difference between the flat and steep meridian whereas the left sclera was spherical.
Dr. DeNaeyer fit the right eye with a Europa Tangent incorporating a toric landing zone of 250 microns matching the amount detected by scleral profilometry. The patient achieved 20/30 with a stable smooth landing zone that was evident with OCT. The left eye was also fit with the Europa Tangent but the landing zone was spherical. She achieved 20/25 with the lens and the OCT also demonstrated an even and smooth landing zone.
Often, the scleral landing zone parameters are similar between eyes and almost a mirror image of one another; however, in this case they were different. It is always important to assess each eye individually and look for any meridional differences on each eye if there is toricity present.
Learn more about the advantages of the Europa Tangent scleral lens.